Saturday, April 12, 2014

Colors of late Winter

Here is a scene near our place that caught my eye.  Working on the edge of a field is always rewarding in that there are clear shadows and large open areas without too much complication.  Many Oak trees still have their dried leaves hanging on, these warm trees made a nice contrast with the lavender looking bushes.  The side light set up layers of light against dark in the bushes with long cast shadows on the field.

kind of dull looking in this photo

the umbrella helped

getting started

Things went fast because I didn't have to spend a lot of time on the drawing.  I was a bit scared of all those branches everywhere, but it came down to putting down layers of color and trying to get the value right. The foreground was easy to simplify, just eliminate trees and add green grass. The hills had a nice purple cast. There was not a lot of green there - spots of brown, orange and lavender.


Fine Inverno  o/panel  8x10in   - for sale  $175.00