Friday, April 12, 2013

Arriving in Tuscany

It has been a long road to get here.  For the last year and a half my wife Monica and I have been   living in the Liguria region of Northern Italy near the border of France.  The landscape there was very steep and sometimes hard to paint.

Pini del Monte Rebuffao  o/c 40x50cm

Prima Neve a Suseneo o/c 40x50cm  - available at Galleria D'Arte, Bordighera, Italy

La Strada del Bosco o/c  30x40cm  available at Galerie Art Passion, St. Paul de Vence, France

This winter we moved to the hills behind Grosseto, Tuscany.  The landscape here is quite different, less steep  with more open fields.  Also exciting are the  beaches - light sand, crystal clear water, and  blue/green mountains that form the background.
It has been a cold and windy winter, and we are looking forward to the changes of Spring.   Here are a couple paintings from this winter 

Casa in Toscana o/c 50x40cm SOLD
This beautiful house is now for sale,  fully restored and in an incredible wild location.

Prato in Inverno, Toscana o/panel  8x10in - SOLD  $175.00